dataPath = ''; /** * Define path where XML cache file are store */ $this->cachePath = ''; } /** * Send XML Request * We have some problem to use SOAP so we use CURL * @return string XML Response */ protected function getProduitsXML() { $xmlStr = ''; $env = 'PRD'; //Construct the request $xml = new SimpleXMLElement(''); $emetteur = $xml->addChild('emetteur'); $emetteur->addChild('code_abonne', $this->config[$env]['USER']); $emetteur->addChild('mot_passe', $this->config[$env]['PASS']); //Set Command ID $emetteur->addChild('reference_client', 'G'.$this->idCommande); $code_requete = $emetteur->addChild('code_requete'); $code_requete->addChild('type_profil', 'A'); $code_requete->addChild('origine_emetteur', 'IC'); // C = Commande de documents $code_requete->addChild('nature_requete', 'C'); $code_requete->addChild('type_document', $this->typeCommande); $code_requete->addChild('type_requete', 'S'); // S = Simple $mode_diffusion = $code_requete->addChild('mode_diffusion'); // Mode de diffusion : C = Courrier, T = Téléchargement, M = Mail, XL = XML if ($this->vecteur=='XL' && $this->option=='') { //On ajoute tout les types de diffusions pour $vecteur = XL $mode_diffusion->addChild('mode')->addAttribute('type', 'C'); $mode_diffusion->addChild('mode')->addAttribute('type', 'T'); } $mode_diffusion->addChild('mode')->addAttribute('type', $this->vecteur); $code_requete->addChild('media', 'WS'); $commande = $xml->addChild('commande'); $commande->addChild('num_siren', $this->siren); // Commande de documents : bilan saisie ou bilan complet if ( ($this->typeCommande=='BS' || $this->typeCommande=='BI') && $this->option!='' ) { /* Format de la variable option pour la commande de type BI ou BS * 0 => millesime * 1 => date_cloture * 2 => greffe * 3 => dossier_millesime * 4 => dossier_statut * 5 => dossier_chrono * 6 => num_depot */ $ref = explode('-', $this->option); $commande->addChild('greffe',$ref[2]); $commande->addChild('dossier_millesime',$ref[3]); $commande->addChild('dossier_statut',$ref[4]); $commande->addChild('dossier_chrono',$ref[5]); $commande->addChild('num_depot',$ref[6]); $commande->addChild('date_cloture', WDate::dateT('Ymd','d/m/Y', $ref[1])); } // Commande de documents : actes elseif ( $this->typeCommande=='AC' && !empty($this->option) ) { /* Format de la variable option pour commande type AC * 0 => type_acte * 1 => date de référence * 2 => greffe * 3 => dossier_millesime * 4 => dossier_statut * 5 => dossier_chrono * 6 => num_depot * 7 => num_acte */ $ref = explode('-', $this->option); $num_actes = explode('|', $ref[7]); $commande->addChild('greffe',$ref[2]); $commande->addChild('dossier_millesime', $ref[3]); $commande->addChild('dossier_statut', $ref[4]); $commande->addChild('dossier_chrono', $ref[5]); $commande->addChild('num_depot', $ref[6]); $liste_actes = $commande->addChild('liste_actes'); if(is_array($num_actes) && count($num_actes)>1) { foreach($num_actes as $num_acte) { $liste_actes->addChild('acte')->addAttribute('num', $num_acte); } } else { $liste_actes->addChild('acte')->addAttribute('num', $ref[7]); $fichierOption = $this->option; } } $xmlStr = str_replace('', '', $xml->asXML()); //Be sure it's in UTF-8 $req = utf8_encode($xml); //Create XML request $post = ''. ''. ''. ''. ''.$req.''. ''. ''. ''; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE,TRUE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post); $response = curl_exec($ch); //Remove SOAP part of XML $response = str_replace("", '', $response); $response = str_replace('','', $response); return $response; } protected function log(){} /** * Detect error * @param string $xml * @throws Exception */ protected function error($xml) { if (!empty($xml)) { $doc = new DOMDocument(); $load = $doc->loadXML($xml, LIBXML_NOERROR | LIBXML_NOWARNING); if (!$load) { $tmp = explode('-', $xml); $errNum = intval($tmp[0]); $errMsg = $tmp[1]; if( $errNum == '5' ){ $errMsg = 'Service partenaire indisponible.'; } throw new Exception($errNum . '-' . $errMsg, 'ERR'); } } else { throw new Exception('Fichier vide', 'ERR'); } } /** * Return true if the file modification time is in the period of caching * @param string $file * Path of file */ protected function cachetimeover($file) { $timeover = false; $dateFile = filemtime($file); $now = mktime(date('G'), date('i'), date('s'), date('m') , date('d'), date('Y')); $maxTime = mktime(date('G',$dateFile)+$this->cacheFiletime, date('i',$dateFile), date('s',$dateFile), date("m",$dateFile), date("d",$dateFile), date("Y",$dateFile)); if($now>$maxTime) $timeover = true; return $timeover; } public function download(){} public function getStatut($siren, $typeCommande = '', $ref = '', $idCommande = 0) { $this->typeCommande = 'ST'; $this->vecteur = 'C'; $reponse = $this->getProduitsXML(); //Gestion du retour infogreffe if($this->erreur($xmlReponse)) { $error = $this->erreurMsg($xmlReponse); } //@todo result non définie return array('error' => $error , 'result' => $result ); } /** * Retourne la liste des bilans * @param string $siren * @return array */ public function getBilans($siren) { $this->siren = $siren; $this->vecteur = 'XL'; $this->typeCommande = 'BI'; $cacheFile = $this->cachePath.'/'.$this->typeCommande.'-'.$siren.'.xml'; //Get cache information if (file_exists($cacheFile) && $this->cachetimeover($cacheFile) ) { $xml = file_get_contents($cacheFile); } //Make the request else { $xml = $this->getProduitsXML(); $this->error($xml); //Create file for the cache file_put_contents($cacheFile, $xml); } //Parse XML to make tab $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->loadXML($xml); $liste_bilan_complet = $doc->getElementsByTagName('liste_bilan_complet')->item(0); $bilan_complet = $liste_bilan_complet->getElementsByTagName('bilan_complet'); $bilans = array(); if (count($bilan_complet)>0) { foreach($bilan_complet as $element) { $bilan = array(); $num_gest = $element->getElementsByTagName('num_gest')->item(0); $bilan['greffe'] = $num_gest->getElementsByTagName('greffe')->item(0)->nodeValue; $bilan['dossier_millesime'] = $num_gest->getElementsByTagName('dossier_millesime')->item(0)->nodeValue; $bilan['dossier_statut'] = $num_gest->getElementsByTagName('dossier_statut')->item(0)->nodeValue; $bilan['dossier_chrono'] = $num_gest->getElementsByTagName('dossier_chrono')->item(0)->nodeValue; $bilan['num_siren'] = $element->getElementsByTagName('num_siren')->item(0)->nodeValue; $bilan['date_cloture'] = $element->getElementsByTagName('date_cloture')->item(0)->nodeValue; $bilan['date_cloture_iso'] = $element->getElementsByTagName('date_cloture_iso')->item(0)->nodeValue; $bilan['millesime'] = $element->getElementsByTagName('millesime')->item(0)->nodeValue; $bilan['num_depot'] = $element->getElementsByTagName('num_depot')->item(0)->nodeValue; $bilan['type_comptes'] = $element->getElementsByTagName('type_comptes')->item(0)->nodeValue; $mode_diffusion = $element->getElementsByTagName('mode_diffusion')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('mode'); foreach($mode_diffusion as $mode) { $bilan['mode_diffusion'][] = $mode->getAttribute('type'); } //Génération de l'index pour le tri $date = $bilan['date_cloture_iso']; if(!empty($date)) { $datef = substr($date,0,4).substr($date,5,2).substr($date,8,2); //Affectation liste générale avec un index permettant le tri $bilans[$datef] = $bilan; } } } krsort($bilans); return $bilans; } public function getBilan() { //Retourner la référence de commande interne, chez infogreffe } public function getActes(){} public function getActe() { //Retourner la référence de commande interne, chez infogreffe } }