881 lines
19 KiB
881 lines
19 KiB
require_once 'Metier/insee/classMInsee.php';
require_once 'Metier/scores/classMScores.php';
class Metier_Sfr
* Version of rules (for loading static files)
* @var double
protected $version = '1.0';
* Debug mode
* @var boolean
protected $debug = false;
* True, to use static file for set vars otherwise read in the database
* @var boolean
protected $compile = true;
* @var Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract
protected $db = null;
* Feu vert
* @var int
const VERT = 3;
* Feu orange
* @var int
const ORANGE = 2;
* Feu rouge
* @var int
const ROUGE = 1;
* CAC = Entreprise du CAC
* @var int
const CAC = 4;
* GE = Grande Entreprise
* @var int
const GE = 3;
* Petites et Moyennes Entreprise
* @var int
const PME = 2;
* Très Petites Entreprise
* @var int
const TPE = 1;
* Constante valeur UNDEFINE
* @var null
const UNDEFINE = null;
* Liste des NAF Administration
* @var array
protected $TabAdminNaf = array(
* Liste des FJ Administration
* @var array
protected $TabAdminFj = array(
* Liste des NAFs société étrangère
* @var unknown
protected $TabEtrangerNaf = array(
* Liste des FJ société étrangère
* @var unknown
protected $TabEtrangerFj = array(
* Liste des NAF clés
* @var array
protected $TabNafSFR = array(
* Flag Entreprise dans le CAC40 ou dans un groupe du CAC40 (0|1)
* @var int
protected $ValIsCAC = 0;
* Type Entreprise (See contants CAC, GE, PME, TPE)
* @var int
protected $ValTypeEntrep = null;
* Flag Entreprise Administration (0|1) (see TabNafAdmin)
* @var int
protected $ValIsAdmin = 0;
* Flag Entreprise étrangère
* @var int
protected $ValIsEtranger = 0;
* Effectif de l'entreprise
* @var int
protected $ValEffectif = null;
* NAF de l'entreprise
* @var string
protected $ValNAF = null;
* FJ de l'entreprise
* @var string
protected $ValFJ = null;
* Flag RJ
* @var int
protected $ValRJ = 0;
* Flag LJ
* @var int
protected $ValLJ = 0;
* Flag SV
* @var int
protected $ValSV = 0;
* Valeur de l'indiscore
* @var int
protected $ValIndiscore = null;
* Flag Actif à l'INSEE
* @var int
protected $ValInseeActif = null;
* Age de l'entreprise en mois INSEE
* @var float
protected $ValInseeAge = null;
* Flag Entreprise Récente
* @var int
protected $ValEntrepRecente = 0;
* Date du plus vieux contrat actif depuis le fichier
* (format AAAAMMJJ)
* @var string
protected $ValContratDate = null;
* Age du plus vieux contrat en mois
* @var int
protected $ValContratAge = null;
* Valeur de l'Indice de Recouvrement
* @var float
protected $ValIR = null;
* Indicateur VERT, ORANGE, ROUGE
* @var int
protected $ValFEU = null;
* Prise d'ordre
* @var int
protected $ValPO = null;
* Flag to display PO
* @var int
protected $displayPo = 0;
* Commentaire
* @var string
protected $ValComment = null;
* @var unknown
protected $dateCalculIndiscore;
protected $RuleLabel = null;
protected $RulesVORP = array();
protected $RulesVORD = array();
protected $RulesPO = array();
* @param string $version
* @param string $compile
public function __construct( $version = null, $compile = true )
//Charger les Tabs - ou pas
//Get default database adapter
//$this->db = Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::getDefaultAdapter();
//Charger les Rules (dans l'ordre)
$this->RulesVORP = include realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'RulesVorp-'.$this->version.'.php';
$this->RulesVORD = include realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'RulesVord-'.$this->version.'.php';
$this->RulesPO = include realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'RulesPO-'.$this->version.'.php';
if ($this->debug) file_put_contents('sfr.log', "DEBUT\n");
public function evaluate($siren)
Zend_Date::setOptions(array('extend_month' => true));
$classInsee = new MInsee();
$classInsee->AnnoncesInMemory = true;
//Identite - @todo : Gérer les erreurs techniques
$identite = $classInsee->getIdentiteEntreprise($siren, 0, 0, false, false);
//Naf de l'entreprise
$this->ValNAF = $identite['NafEnt'];
//Forme juridique de l'entreprise
$this->ValFJ = $identite['FJ']; //insee
* Effectif de l'entreprise
* 1 - Chiffre au bilan
* 2 - Info insee Identite::Effectif à la centaine approché
$this->ValEffectif = $identite['Effectif'];
$bilanAgeMax = 3*12; //Age maximum du dernier bilan en mois
if (!empty($identite['bilanDate']) && intval($identite['bilanYP'])>0 ) {
$dateBilan = new Zend_Date($identite['bilanDate'], 'yyyyMMdd');
$dateNow = new Zend_Date();
$difference = $dateNow->sub($dateBilan);
$measure = new Zend_Measure_Time($difference->toValue(), Zend_Measure_Time::SECOND);
$nbMonth = $measure->getValue();
if ( $nbMonth < $bilanAgeMax ) {
$this->ValEffectif = $identite['bilanYP'];
if ($this->debug) file_put_contents('sfr.log', "Bilan : nbMonth = ".$nbMonth."\n", FILE_APPEND);
if ($this->debug) file_put_contents('sfr.log', "ValEffectif = ".$this->ValEffectif."\n", FILE_APPEND);
//Entreprise Active à l'insee
$this->ValInseeActif = $identite['Actif'];
//Age de l'entreprise en mois
$this->ValInseeAge = null; //Date création Insee (ATTENTION vide) / Date immat RNCS
if ( !empty($identite['DateCreaEn']) && $identite['DateCreaEn']!='0000-00-00 00:00:00' ) {
$dateC = new Zend_Date($identite['DateCreaEn'], 'yyyy-MM-dd');
$dateNow = new Zend_Date();
$difference = $dateNow->sub($dateC);
$measure = new Zend_Measure_Time($difference->toValue(), Zend_Measure_Time::SECOND);
$this->ValInseeAge = $measure->getValue();
} elseif ( !empty($identite['dateImmat']) && $identite['dateImmat']!='0000-00-00 00:00:00' ) {
$dateC = new Zend_Date($identite['dateImmat'], 'yyyy-MM-dd');
$dateNow = new Zend_Date();
$difference = $dateNow->sub($dateC);
$measure = new Zend_Measure_Time($difference->toValue(), Zend_Measure_Time::SECOND);
$this->ValInseeAge = $measure->getValue();
if ($this->debug) file_put_contents('sfr.log', "ValInseeAge = ".$this->ValInseeAge."\n", FILE_APPEND);
//Entreprise coté au CAC
$this->ValIsCAC = 0;
require_once 'Metier/partenaires/classMLiens2.php';
$lienM = new MLiens2($siren, 'siren');
if ( $lienM->isInGroupeCAC40() ) {
$this->ValIsCAC = 1;
if ($this->debug) file_put_contents('sfr.log', "CAC40 = ".$this->ValIsCAC."\n", FILE_APPEND);
//Si procédure collective ou autre
if ( $identite['SituationJuridique']!='' ) {
$this->ValRJ = 0; //Liste des codes - 1200
$retRJ = $classInsee->getAnnoncesLegales($siren, 0, array('1200','1201','1202','1203','1204','1205','1206','1207','1208','1209','1210','1211','1212','1214','1215','1216'));
if (count($retRJ)>0) {
$this->ValRJ = 1;
if ($this->debug) file_put_contents('sfr.log', "RJ = ".$this->ValRJ."\n", FILE_APPEND);
$this->ValSV = 0; //Liste des codes - 1100
$retSV = $classInsee->getAnnoncesLegales($siren, 0, array('1100','1101','1102','1110','1119'));
if (count($retSV)>0) {
$this->ValSV = 1;
if ($this->debug) file_put_contents('sfr.log', "SV = ".$this->ValSV."\n", FILE_APPEND);
$this->ValLJ = 0; //Liste des codes - 1300
$retLJ = $classInsee->getAnnoncesLegales($siren, 0, array('1300','1301','1302', '1303', '1304', '1305', '1306', '1307', '1308', '1309', '13010', '1311', '1312', '1313', '1346'));
if (count($retLJ)>0) {
$this->ValLJ = 1;
if ($this->debug) file_put_contents('sfr.log', "LJ = ".$this->ValLJ."\n", FILE_APPEND);
//Indiscore - aller chercher scores dans l'historique moins de 3 mois
$histo = getIndiscoreCache($siren);
if ( count($histo)>0 ) {
$dateIndiscore = new Zend_Date($histo[0]['indiScoreDate'], 'yyyy-MM-dd');
$dateUpdate = new Zend_Date(substr($histo[0]['dateUpdate'],0,10), 'yyyy-MM-dd');
$dateNow = new Zend_Date();
$diffIndiscore = $dateNow->sub($dateIndiscore);
$measureIndiscore = new Zend_Measure_Time($diffIndiscore->toValue(), Zend_Measure_Time::SECOND);
$dateNow = new Zend_Date();
$diffUpdate = $dateNow->sub($dateUpdate);
$measureUpdate = new Zend_Measure_Time($diffUpdate->toValue(), Zend_Measure_Time::SECOND);
if ($this->debug) file_put_contents('sfr.log', "INDISCORE DIFF = ". $measureIndiscore->getValue() . ' ou ' . $measureUpdate->getValue() . "\n", FILE_APPEND);
if ( $measureIndiscore->getValue() <= 3 || $measureUpdate->getValue() <= 3 ) {
$this->ValIndiscore = $histo[0]['indiScore20'];
$this->dateCalculIndiscore = $histo[0]['indiScoreDate'];
if ( $this->ValIndiscore === null ) {
$indiscore = calculIndiScore($siren); // @todo : Gérer les erreurs techniques
$this->ValIndiscore = $indiscore['Indiscore20'];
$this->dateCalculIndiscore = date('Y-m-d');
if ($this->debug) file_put_contents('sfr.log', "INDISCORE = ".$this->ValIndiscore."\n", FILE_APPEND);
//Set ValContratAge
if ( $this->ValContratDate !== null ) {
$dateContrat = new Zend_Date($this->ValContratDate, 'yyyyMMdd');
$dateNow = new Zend_Date();
$diff = $dateNow->sub($dateContrat);
$measure = new Zend_Measure_Time($diff->toValue(), Zend_Measure_Time::SECOND);
$this->ValContratAge = $measure->getValue();
$ruleType = array( 'VORP' , 'VORD' , 'PO');
foreach ( $ruleType as $type ) {
* Execution des règles
* Si les conditions contenu dans la regle
* @param string $type
protected function rules($type)
$rules = $this->{'Rules'.$type};
foreach ( $rules as $rule ) {
if ($this->debug) file_put_contents('sfr.log', "\nREGLE - ".$rule['name']."\n", FILE_APPEND);
$all = false;
if ( $rule['value'] == 'DEFINE' ) {
$all = true;
$return = $this->params($rule['params'], $all);
// Continue always
if ( $rule['value'] == 'CONTINUE' || $rule['value'] == 'DEFINE' ) {
elseif ( $return === false ){
// Stop
elseif ( $rule['value'] == 'STOP' && $return === true ) {
//Set Value
else {
if( $type == 'PO' ) {
if ( $this->displayPo ) {
$this->ValPO = $this->paramValue($rule['value']);
} else {
$this->RuleLabel = $rule['name'];
$this->displayPo = intval($rule['po']);
$this->ValFEU = $this->paramValue($rule['value']);
if ($this->debug) file_put_contents('sfr.log', "VALIDATION : ValFEU = ".$this->ValFEU."\n", FILE_APPEND);
$this->ValComment = $rule['comment'];
* Traitement des conditions
* - Si la condition est FAUSSE
* => arrêt pour passer à la règle suivante
* - Si la condition est VRAI
* => passage à la condition suivante
* @param array $conditions
* - var : Nom de la variable
* - type : Type du test de la condition
* - value : Valeur à tester
* - define : "var" à définir avec la "value"
* @return boolean
protected function params($conditions = array(), $all = false)
$test = false;
if ( count($conditions) > 0 ) {
foreach ( $conditions as $c ) {
$test = $this->paramEval($c['var'], $c['type'], $c['value']);
if ($this->debug) file_put_contents('sfr.log', "PARAM - RETURN = ".$test."\n", FILE_APPEND);
if ( null === $test ) {
// Oops ! Problem !
// Stopper
elseif ( $test === false && $all === false ) {
// Continuer ou Stopper sur element define
} elseif ( $test === true ) {
if ( array_key_exists('define', $c) ) {
$this->paramDefine($c['define']['var'], $c['define']['value']);
if ($all === true) {
return $test;
* Transformation des variables
* @param string $val
* @return number|mixed|NULL
protected function paramValue($val)
if ( is_numeric($val) ) {
return (float) $val;
if ( is_string($val) && defined('self::'.$val) ) {
return constant('self::'.$val);
if ( is_string($val) && is_array($this->{$val}) ) {
return $this->{$val};
return null;
* Evaluation de la condition
* @param string $var
* @param string $type
* @param string $value
* @return boolean|NULL
protected function paramEval($var, $type, $value)
$valueReal = $this->paramValue($value);
if ($this->debug) file_put_contents('sfr.log', "PARAM - ".$var." ".$type." ".$value." = ".$this->{'Val'.$var}."\n", FILE_APPEND);
switch ($type) {
case 'MIN':
if ( $this->{'Val'.$var}!==null && $this->{'Val'.$var} > $valueReal ) {
return true;
return false;
case 'MAX':
if ( $this->{'Val'.$var}!==null && $this->{'Val'.$var} < $valueReal ) {
return true;
return false;
case 'EGAL':
if ( $this->{'Val'.$var} == $valueReal ) {
return true;
return false;
case 'LIST':
if ( $valueReal !== null && in_array($this->{'Val'.$var}, $valueReal) ) {
return true;
return false;
return null;
protected function _Indicateur($value)
case self::VERT:
return 'VERT';
case self::ROUGE:
return 'ROUGE';
case self::ORANGE:
return 'ORANGE';
public function getIndicateur()
return $this->_Indicateur($this->ValFEU);
public function getPo()
return $this->ValPO;
* @param string $name
* @param string $val
protected function paramDefine($name, $val)
$value = null;
if ( is_numeric($val) ) {
$value = (int) $val;
if ( is_string($val) && defined('self::'.$val) ) {
$value = constant('self::'.$val);
if ($this->debug) file_put_contents('sfr.log', "SET VAR - Val".$name." = ".$value."\n", FILE_APPEND);
$this->{'Val'.$name} = $value;
public function getComment()
return $this->ValComment;
public function getDateCalculIndiscore()
return $this->dateCalculIndiscore;
public function getValDebug()
return array(
'ValIsCAC' => $this->ValIsCAC,
'ValTypeEntrep' => $this->ValTypeEntrep,
'ValIsAdmin' => $this->ValIsAdmin,
'ValIsEtranger' => $this->ValIsEtranger,
'ValEffectif' => $this->ValEffectif,
'ValNAF' => $this->ValNAF,
'ValFJ' => $this->ValFJ,
'ValRJ' => $this->ValRJ,
'ValLJ' => $this->ValLJ,
'ValSV' => $this->ValSV,
'ValIR' => $this->ValIR,
'ValIndiscore' => $this->ValIndiscore,
'ValInseeActif' => $this->ValInseeActif,
'ValInseeAge' => $this->ValInseeAge,
'ValEntrepRecente' => $this->ValEntrepRecente,
'ValContratAge' => $this->ValContratAge,
'dateCalculIndiscore' => $this->dateCalculIndiscore,
'Rule' => $this->RuleLabel,
public function setVal($name, $value)
if ( empty($value) ) {
$this->{'Val'.$name} = self::UNDEFINE;
} else {
$this->{'Val'.$name} = $value;
protected function setTabs()
if ( $this->compile ) {
} else {
return $this->loadTabsFromDb();
protected function loadTabsFromDb(){}
protected function setRules()
if ( $this->compile ) {
$this->RulesVORp = include_once 'Metier/Sfr/RulesVORp-'.$this->version.'.php';
$this->RulesVORd = include_once 'Metier/Sfr/RulesVORd-'.$this->version.'.php';
} else {
$this->RulesVORp = $this->loadRulesFromDb('VORp');
$this->RulesVORd = $this->loadRulesFromDb('VORd');
protected function loadRulesFromDb($type = null)
protected function setCompile($compile = true)
$this->compile = $compile;
* Define static file and version
* @param string $version
protected function setVersion($version = null)
if ( null !== $version ) {
$this->version = $version;
} |