Graydon WebService ================== Get the report, or place an order on a company. - Store report in database - Move the report to an history if a more recent is available Identify item that can be interesting for us and our customer. a CLI could assemble all items, from the differents partners Graydon, Giant, Interne in order to create an international database. How Graydon works ================= http://localhost:9080/CompanyData_webservice/services/SOAPPort_v1_2 getCompanyMatchesByAll getCompanyMatchesByIdentifier getCompanyMatchesByKeyword getCompanyMatchesByName getCompanyMatchesByPostCode getCompanyProducts getCompanyReport getCompanyMatchIdentifiers getCompanyMatchMethods getCountryAvailability - By cli get regurlarly the available product by country (store it in database) Country Code ServiceSpeed enum { 'Normal', 'Express', 'Superflash', 'Immediate', 'ImmediateWithUpdate', 'Unknown', 'Delayed' } Level Type enum { 'Database', 'Investigation', 'Unknown' } DaysFrom DaysTo CompanyProductIdentifier => use in placeOrder TypeHtml TypeXml => is our prefer format TypePdf TypeDoc getCountryStylesheets placeOrder checkOrders getDemoCompanies ping Store report in database ======================== getCompanyReport IN => OrderReference MimeType (html, xml, doc, pdf) OUT => Orders ====== placeOrder IN => ClientReference CompanyProductIdentifier OUT => XML Data Schema ===============