2013-11-21 16:13:20 +00:00

102 lines
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class Scores_Auth_Adapter_Db implements Zend_Auth_Adapter_Interface
protected $_username;
protected $_password;
protected $_hash;
protected $_timeout = 3600;
protected $checkWs = false;
protected $clients = array();
* @param string $username
* @param string $password
* @param boolean $checkWs
public function __construct($username, $password, $checkWs = false)
$this->_username = $username;
$this->_password = $password;
$this->_hash = md5($username.'|'.$password);
$this->checkWs = $checkWs;
* Limit access to only client IDs
* @param array $id
public function limitClient($id = null)
if (is_array($id) && count($id)>0) {
$this->clients = $id;
* Override the timeout
* @param integer $seconds
public function setTimeout($seconds = null)
if ($seconds===null)
$this->_timeout = $seconds;
* (non-PHPdoc)
* @see Zend_Auth_Adapter_Interface::authenticate()
public function authenticate()
$userM = new Application_Model_Sdv1Utilisateurs();
$sql = $userM->select()
->from(array('u'=>'utilisateurs'), array('u.idClient', 'u.id', 'u.login', 'u.password'))
->join(array('c'=>'clients'), 'u.idClient = c.id', array('c.timeout'))
->where('u.login=?', $this->_username)
->where('u.actif=?', 1)
->where('u.deleted=?', 0)
if ( count($this->clients) > 0 ) {
$sql->where('u.idClient IN('.join(',',$this->clients).')');
if ($this->checkWs) {
$result = $userM->fetchRow($sql);
$identity = new stdClass();
$identity->username = $this->_username;
$identity->hash = $this->_hash;
if ( null === $result ) {
return new Zend_Auth_Result(Zend_Auth_Result::FAILURE_IDENTITY_NOT_FOUND, $identity);
} else {
if ( $this->_password == $result->password
|| $this->_password == md5($result->login.'|'.$result->password) ) {
$identity->id = $result->id;
$identity->idClient = $result->idClient;
$timeout = (!empty($result->timeout)) ? $result->timeout : $this->_timeout;
$identity->timeout = $timeout;
$identity->time = time() + $timeout;
return new Zend_Auth_Result(Zend_Auth_Result::SUCCESS, $identity);
} else {
return new Zend_Auth_Result(Zend_Auth_Result::FAILURE_CREDENTIAL_INVALID, $identity);