1405 lines
56 KiB
1405 lines
56 KiB
require_once __DIR__ . '/Types.php';
class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
* Retourne les informations identitaires de l'entreprise ou de l'établissement demandé
* @param string $siret Siren de l'entreprise ou siret de l'établissement
* @param int $id Identifiant interne
* @return Identite
public function getIdentite($siret, $id = 0)
if (empty($id)) { $id = 0; }
$forceVerif = false;
$tabRet = array();
$len = strlen($siret);
$siren = substr($siret,0,9);
if ($len == 14) {
$nic = substr($siret,9,5)*1;
} elseif ($len == 9) {
$nic = 0;
if ($siren*1==0 && $id==0) {
} elseif ($len!=14 && $len!=9) {
$db = new Metier_Util_Db();
$iInsee = new Metier_Insee_MInsee($db);
$entrep = $iInsee->getIdentiteEntreprise($siren, $nic, $id, $forceVerif);
if (empty($entrep) || empty($entrep['id']) ) {
$identite = new Identite();
$identite->id = $entrep['id'];
$identite->Siret = $entrep['Siret'];
$identite->SiretSiege = $entrep['SiretSiege'];
$identite->Siege = $entrep['Siege'];
$identite->AncienSiege = $entrep['AncienSiege'];
$identite->AncienSiegeDateFin = $entrep['AncienSiegeDateFin'];
$identite->TribunalCode = $entrep['Tribunal'];
$identite->TribunalLib = $entrep['TribunalLib'];
$identite->NumRC = $entrep['numRC'];
$identite->Actif = $entrep['Actif'];
$identite->ActifEco = $entrep['ActifEco'];
$identite->ActifEcoDate = $entrep['ActifEcoDate'];
$identite->ActifEcoType = $entrep['ActifEcoType'];
$identite->EntActiveRCS = $entrep['EntActiveRCS'];
$identite->AutreId = $entrep['AutreId'];
$identite->Source = $entrep['Source'];
$identite->SourceId = $entrep['SourceId'];
$identite->Isin = $entrep['Isin'];
$identite->Nom = $entrep['NOMEN_LONG'];
if (empty($identite->Nom)) {
$identite->Nom = strtr($entrep['Nom'],'/*',' ');
$identite->Nom2 = $entrep['Nom2'];
$identite->NomLong = $entrep['nomLong'];
$identite->NomCommercial = $entrep['NomCommercial'];
$identite->Siret = $entrep['Siret'];
$identite->Sigle = $entrep['Sigle'];
$identite->SigleLong = $entrep['sigleLong'];
$identite->Enseigne = $entrep['Enseigne'];
$identite->EnseigneLong = $entrep['enseigneLong'];
$identite->Adresse = $entrep['Adresse'];
$identite->Adresse2 = $entrep['Adresse2'];
$identite->AdresseNum = $entrep['AdresseNum'];
$identite->AdresseBtq = $entrep['AdresseBtq'];
$identite->AdresseVoie = $entrep['AdresseVoie'];
$identite->AdresseRue = $entrep['AdresseRue'];
$identite->AdresseDistSP = $entrep['AdresseDistSP'];
$identite->CP = $entrep['CP'];
$identite->Ville = $entrep['Ville'];
$identite->Pays = $entrep['Pays'];
$identite->PaysIso2 = $entrep['PaysIso2'];
$identite->AdresseDom = $entrep['AdresseDom'];
$tabAdresseDomEnt = array();
if (isset($entrep['AdresseDomEnt']) && count($entrep['AdresseDomEnt'])>0){
foreach ($entrep['AdresseDomEnt'] as $element){
$adresseDomEnt = new AdresseDomEnt();
$adresseDomEnt->siren = $element['siren'];
$adresseDomEnt->nom = $element['nom'];
$tabAdresseDomEnt[] = $adresseDomEnt;
$identite->AdresseDomEnt = $tabAdresseDomEnt;
$identite->AdresseDomNb = $entrep['AdresseDomNb'];
// --- Indicateur Adresse RNVP
try {
$rnvpM = new Application_Model_VillesRnvpSources();
$sql = $rnvpM->select(true)->columns(array('dateRetourRnvp','codeRetour'))
->where('source=?', $entrep['Source'])->where('source_id=?', $entrep['SourceId']);
$rnvpResult = $rnvpM->fetchRow($sql);
if ($rnvpResult !== null) {
$identite->AdresseRnvpDate = $rnvpResult->dateRetourRnvp;
$identite->AdresseRnvpCode = $rnvpResult->codeRetour;
} catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) {}
$identite->Civilite = $entrep['Civilite'];
$identite->NbEtab = $entrep['NbEtab'];
$identite->Tel = $entrep['Tel'];
$identite->Fax = $entrep['Fax'];
$identite->Web = $entrep['Web'];
$identite->Mail = $entrep['Mail'];
$identite->GeoLat = $entrep['GeoLat'];
$identite->GeoLon = $entrep['GeoLon'];
$identite->GeoPrecis = $entrep['GeoPrecis'];
$geoInfos = new GeoInfos();
$geoInfos->CUCS = $entrep['GeoInfos']['CUCS'];
$geoInfos->NCUCS = $entrep['GeoInfos']['NCUCS'];
$geoInfos->ZRU = $entrep['GeoInfos']['ZRU'];
$geoInfos->NZRU = $entrep['GeoInfos']['NZRU'];
$geoInfos->ZFU = $entrep['GeoInfos']['ZFU'];
$geoInfos->NZFU = $entrep['GeoInfos']['NZFU'];
$geoInfos->ZUS = $entrep['GeoInfos']['ZUS'];
$geoInfos->NZUS = $entrep['GeoInfos']['NZUS'];
$geoInfos->AFR = $entrep['GeoInfos']['AFR'];
$geoInfos->NAFR = $entrep['GeoInfos']['NAFR'];
$geoInfos->ZRR = $entrep['GeoInfos']['ZRR'];
$geoInfos->NZRR = $entrep['GeoInfos']['NZRR'];
$identite->GeoInfos = $geoInfos;
$identite->TvaNumero = $entrep['TvaNumero'];
$identite->TvaAttribue = $entrep['TvaAttribue'];
$identite->FJ = $entrep['FJ'];
$identite->FJ_Lib = $entrep['FJ_lib'];
$identite->FJ2 = $entrep['FJ2'];
$identite->FJ2_Lib = $entrep['FJ2_Lib'];
$identite->Siren = $entrep['Siren'];
$identite->Nic = $entrep['Nic'];
$identite->NafEnt = $entrep['NafEnt'];
$identite->NafEntLib = $entrep['NafEntLib'];
$identite->NafEtab = $entrep['NafEtab'];
$identite->NafEtabLib = $entrep['NafEtabLib'];
$identite->NaceEtab = $entrep['NaceEtab'];
$identite->NaceEnt = $entrep['NaceEnt'];
$identite->Nafa = $entrep['APRM'];
$identite->NafaLib = $entrep['APRM_Lib'];
$identite->NumRM = $entrep['NumRM'];
$identite->Activite = $entrep['Activite'];
$identite->Capital = $entrep['Capital'];
$identite->CapitalDev = $entrep['CapitalDev'];
$identite->CapitalLib = $entrep['CapitalLib'];
$identite->CapitalType = $entrep['CapitalType'];
$identite->DateCreaEt = Metier_Util_Date::dateT('Ymd','Y-m-d',$entrep['DateCreaEt']);
$identite->DateCreaEn = Metier_Util_Date::dateT('Ymd','Y-m-d',$entrep['DateCreaEn']);
$identite->DateClotEt = $entrep['DateClotEt']; //@todo : date
$identite->DateImmat = $entrep['dateImmat'];
$identite->DateRadiation = $entrep['dateRad'];
$identite->EffEnTr = $entrep['EffEnTr'];
$identite->EffEnTrLib = $entrep['EffEnTrLib'];
$identite->Effectif = $entrep['Effectif'];
$identite->EffEtTr = $entrep['EffEtTr'];
$identite->EffEtTrLib = $entrep['EffEtTrLib'];
$identite->EffectifEtab = $entrep['EffectifEtab'];
$identite->Dept = $entrep['Dept'];
$identite->codeCommune = $entrep['codeCommune'];
$identite->AnneeEffEn = $entrep['AnneeEffEn'];
$identite->AnneeEffEt = $entrep['AnneeEffEt'];
$identite->AnneeTCA = $entrep['AnneeTCA'];
$identite->TrancheCA = $entrep['TrancheCA'];
$identite->TrancheCALib = $entrep['TrancheCALib'];
$identite->TrancheCAType = $entrep['TrancheCAType'];
$identite->dir1Code = $entrep['dir1Code'];
$identite->dir1Titre = $entrep['dir1Titre'];
$identite->dir1NomPrenom = $entrep['dir1NomPrenom'];
$identite->dir1DateFct = $entrep['dir1DateFct']; //@todo : date
$identite->dir1DateNaiss = $entrep['dir1DateNaiss']; //@todo : date
$identite->dir1LieuNaiss = $entrep['dir1LieuNaiss'];
$identite->dir2Code = $entrep['dir2Code'];
$identite->dir2Titre = $entrep['dir2Titre'];
$identite->dir2NomPrenom = $entrep['dir2NomPrenom'];
$identite->dir2DateFct = $entrep['dir2DateFct']; //@todo : date
$identite->dir2DateNaiss = $entrep['dir2DateNaiss']; //@todo : date
$identite->dir2LieuNaiss = $entrep['dir2LieuNaiss'];
$identite->Rivoli = $entrep['Rivoli'];
$identite->InfosIris = new stdClass();
$identite->InfosIris->codIris = $entrep['InfosIris']['codIris'];
$identite->InfosIris->codComIris = $entrep['InfosIris']['codComIris'];
$identite->InfosIris->libIris = $entrep['InfosIris']['libIris'];
$identite->InfosIris->typIris = $entrep['InfosIris']['typIris'];
$identite->InfosIris->evoIris = $entrep['InfosIris']['evoIris'];
$identite->InfosIris->trIris = $entrep['InfosIris']['trIris'];
$identite->InfosIris->grdQuartier = $entrep['InfosIris']['grdQuartier'];
$identite->NatureActivite = $entrep['NatureActivite']; // Nature de l'activité
$identite->OrigineCreation = $entrep['OrigineCreation']; // Origine de la création
$identite->TypeExploitation = $entrep['TypeExploitation'];
$identite->Auxiliaire = $entrep['Auxiliaire']; // 1=Auxiliaire / 0=Non auxiliaire
$identite->Saisonnalite = $entrep['Saisonnalite']; // P=Activité permanente / S=Activité saisonnière
$identite->SurfaceMagasin = $entrep['ACTISURF']*1; // 0=N/D, 1=inf. à 300m2,2=300 à 400m2, 3=400 à 2500m2, 4=sup. à 2500m2
$identite->SituationJuridique = $entrep['SituationJuridique'];
$identite->Bilan = new stdClass();
$identite->Bilan->Millesime = $entrep['bilanAnnee'];
$identite->Bilan->Cloture = $entrep['bilanDate']; //@todo : date
$identite->Bilan->Duree = $entrep['bilanMois'];
$identite->Bilan->Devise = $entrep['bilanDevise'];
$identite->Bilan->Capital = $entrep['bilanDA'];
$identite->Bilan->CA = $entrep['bilanFL'];
$identite->Bilan->CAestime = $entrep['bilanFLestime'];
$identite->Bilan->Resultat = $entrep['bilanHN'];
$identite->Bilan->Effectif = $entrep['bilanYP'];
$iBourse = new Metier_Partenaires_MBourse();
$bourse = $iBourse->getInfosBourse($siren);
if (count($bourse) > 0 ) {
$identite->Bourse->placeCotation = $bourse['placeCotation'];
$identite->Bourse->nombreTitres = $bourse['nombreTitres'];
$identite->Bourse->capitalisation = $bourse['close'] * $bourse['nombreTitres'];
$identite->Bourse->derCoursDate = $bourse['date']; //@todo : date
$identite->Bourse->derCoursCloture = $bourse['close']; //@todo : date
$tabAutreSiren = array();
if (isset($entrep['AutreSiren'])) {
$autreSiren = new AutreSiren();
$autreSiren->siren = $entrep['AutreSiren']['listeSiren']['siren'];
$autreSiren->type = $entrep['AutreSiren']['listeSiren']['type'];
$tabAutreSiren[] = $autreSiren;
$identite->AutreSiren = $tabAutreSiren;
$tabAutreSiret = array();
if (count($entrep['AutreSiret'])) {
foreach($entrep['AutreSiret'] as $type => $item) {
$autreSiret = new AutreSiret();
$autreSiret->type = $type;
$autreSiret->siren = $item['siren'];
$autreSiret->nic = $item['nic'];
$autreSiret->apeEtab = $item['apeEtab'];
$autreSiret->codeEve = $item['codeEve'];
$autreSiret->dateEve = $item['dateEve'];
$autreSiret->adrL1 = $item['adrL1'];
$autreSiret->adrL2 = $item['adrL2'];
$autreSiret->adrL3 = $item['adrL3'];
$autreSiret->adrL4 = $item['adrL4'];
$autreSiret->adrL5 = $item['adrL5'];
$autreSiret->adrL6 = $item['adrL6'];
$autreSiret->adrL7 = $item['adrL7'];
$autreSiret->depCom = $item['depCom'];
$autreSiret->rivoli = $item['rivoli'];
$autreSiret->siege = $item['siege'];
$autreSiret->destinat = $item['destinat'];
$autreSiret->typEtab = $item['typeEtab'];
$autreSiret->origine = $item['origine'];
$tabAutreSiret[] = $autreSiret;
$identite->AutreSiret = $tabAutreSiret;
$identite->DateMajINSEE = $entrep['DateMajINSEE']; //@todo : date
$identite->DateMajRCS = $entrep['DateMajRCS']; //@todo : date
$identite->DateMajBILAN = $entrep['bilanDateMaj']; //@todo : date
$identite->DateMajANN = $entrep['dateMajANN']; //@todo : date
$identite->DateMajID = $entrep['dateMajIdentite']; //@todo : date
// --- Ancien NAF
if (preg_match('/NAF4/i', $this->User->pref)) {
$entrep2 = $iInsee->getNaf4($siren, $nic, $id);
if ( $entrep2 !== false ) {
$identite->Naf4Ent = $entrep2['apen4'];
$identite->Naf4Etab = $entrep2['apet4'];
$identite->Naf4EntLib = $entrep2['apen4_lib'];
$identite->Naf4EtabLib = $entrep2['apet4_lib'];
// --- Détermination du groupe - Tête de groupe
if (intval($siren) > 100) {
$lienM = new Metier_Liens_Base();
$lienM->setId($siren, 'siren');
$grpHeadId = $lienM->getHead(null, 50);
$grpFiche = $lienM->getIdentity();
if ($grpFiche->id != $grpHeadId) {
$grpHeadFiche = $lienM->getIdentity($grpHeadId);
$identite->GroupeId = str_pad($grpHeadFiche->id, 20, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT); // Ajouter source
$identite->GroupeName = $grpHeadFiche->RS;
// --- Recherche code Isin
$nbIdNum = 3;
for ($i=0;$i<$nbIdNum;$i++) {
if( !empty($grpHeadFiche->{'idLoc'.$i.'Num'}) && $grpHeadFiche->{'idLoc'.$i.'Type'} == 63 ) {
$identite->GroupeIsin = $grpHeadFiche->{'idLoc'.$i.'Num'};
$identite->GroupeCountryCode = $grpHeadFiche->adresse_pays;
if (!empty($grpHeadFiche->adresse_pays)) {
try {
$countryM = new Application_Model_JoTabPays();
$sql = $countryM->select()->from($countryM, array('codPays3', 'libPays'));
$result = $countryM->fetchAll($sql);
} catch (Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception $e) {}
$tabPays = array();
if ( $result->count()>0 ) {
foreach ( $result as $item ) {
$tabPays[$item->codPays3] = $item->libPays;
$libPays = '';
if ($grpHeadFiche->adresse_pays!='') {
$libPays = array_key_exists($grpHeadFiche->adresse_pays, $tabPays) ?
$tabPays[$grpHeadFiche->adresse_pays] : $grpHeadFiche->adresse_pays;
} else {
$libPays = $tabPays['FRA'];
$identite->GroupeCountryLabel = $libPays;
$this->wsLog('identite', $siret, $id);
return $identite;
* Avis RNCS
* @param string $siren
* @return AvisRncs
public function getAvisRncs($siren)
$len = strlen($siren);
if ( $len != 9 ) {
$output = new AvisRncs();
$iDb = new Metier_Util_Db();
$rncs = new Metier_Partenaires_MRncs();
//jo.etablissements => insee uniquement, rncs ?
$infosEtab = $rncs->getIdentiteEtab($siren);
if ( $infosEtab === false ) {
throw new SoapFault('MSG', "Cette entreprise n'est pas inscrite au RNCS ou radié depuis plus de 5 ans.");
$output->Nom = $infosEtab['raisonSociale']; //@todo personne physique
$output->Sigle = $infosEtab['sigle'];
$output->Enseigne = $infosEtab['enseigne'];
$output->NomCommercial = $infosEtab['nomCommercial'];
$output->Siren = $infosEtab['siren'];
$output->NumGest = $infosEtab['numRC'];
$output->RadiationDate = $infosEtab['dateRad'];
$output->ImmatDate = $infosEtab['dateImma'];
$output->NafCode = $infosEtab['nafEnt'];
$output->NafLabel = $infosEtab['nafEntLib'];
if (empty($infosEtab['dateRad']) || $infosEtab['dateRad'] = '0000-00-00') {
$output->TribunalCode = $infosEtab['triCode']; //@todo
$output->TribunalLabel = $infosEtab['libGreffe']; // @todo
$output->FjCode = $infosEtab['cj'];
$output->FjLabel = $infosEtab['cjLib'];
$output->Capital = $infosEtab['capital'];
$output->CapitalDev = 'EUR';
if ( !empty($infosEtab['capitalDevIso'])) {
$output->CapitalDev = $infosEtab['capitalDevIso'];
$output->CapitalType = $infosEtab['capitalType'];
$output->SiegeAdresseNum = intval($infosEtab['adrNumVoie']);
$output->SiegeAdresseBtq = $infosEtab['adrIndRep'];
$output->SiegeAdresseVoieType = $infosEtab['adrTypeVoie'] ;
$output->SiegeAdresseVoieLabel = $infosEtab['adrVoie'];
$output->SiegeAdresseComp = $infosEtab['adrComp'];
$output->SiegeAdresseCP = $infosEtab['cp'];
$output->SiegeAdresseVille = $infosEtab['commune'];
$output->DateMajRCS = $infosEtab['DateMajRCS'];
//Durée de la société - impossible
$output->DureeDate = '';
//Date du dernier bilan - MOIS/JOUR au pire chercher dans l'annonce
try {
$bilanM = new Application_Model_JoBilans();
$sql = $bilanM->select(true)
->where('siren=?', $siren)
->order('dateExercice DESC')->limit(1);
$result = $bilanM->fetchRow($sql);
if ($result !== null) {
$output->CompteArretMois = substr($result->dateExercice,4,2);
$output->CompteArretJour = substr($result->dateExercice,6,2);
} catch(Zend_Db_Exception $e) {}
//=> Avec l'adresse du premier siège
$output->ConstitutionTribunalCode = '';
$output->ConstitutionTribunalLabel = '';
$iInsee = new Metier_Insee_MInsee($iDb);
$dirs = $iInsee->getDirigeants($siren, false);
$liste = array();
foreach ($dirs as $nb => $dir)
$dirigeant = new AvisRncsAdmin();
$dirigeant->Code = $dir['Fonction'];
$dirigeant->Label = $dir['Titre'];
$dirigeant->CompanyName = $dir['Societe'];
$dirigeant->CompanyId = (array_key_exists('Siren', $dir) && intval($dir['Siren'])!=0) ? $dir['Siren'] : '' ;
$dirigeant->Civilite = $dir['Civilite'];
$dirigeant->Nom = $dir['Nom'];
$dirigeant->Prenom = $dir['Prenom'];
$dirigeant->NomUsage = $dir['NomUsage'];
$dirigeant->NaissanceDate = $dir['NaissDate'];
$dirigeant->NaissanceVille = $dir['NaissVille'];
$dirigeant->NaissanceCp = $dir['NaissDepPays'];
$liste[] = $dirigeant;
$output->Administration = $liste;
$insee = $iInsee->getIdentiteEntreprise($siren);
//Origine, code à transformer - getIdentiteEntreprise - insee
$output->Origine = $insee['OrigineCreation'];
//Activité réelle - getIdentiteEntreprise - insee
$output->Activite = $insee['Activite'];
$output->BodaccActivite = $insee['Activite'];
//Date de création à l'insee - getIdentiteEntreprise - insee
//@todo : Aller cherche dans les annonces bodacc création + acquisition
$output->ActiviteDate = substr($insee['DateCreaEn'],0,4).'-'.substr($insee['DateCreaEn'],4,2).'-'.substr($insee['DateCreaEn'],6,2);
//Type d'exploitation - getIdentiteEntreprise - insee
$output->Exploitation = $insee['TypeExploitation'];
//Liste des jugements
$output->Evenements = array();
$evens = $rncs->getListeJugements($siren);
if ( count($evens)>0 ) {
foreach ( $evens as $even ) {
$output->Evenements[] = $even['dateEffet'] . ' - ' . $even['libEven'];
//Liste des dépots
$output->Depots = array();
$infogreffe = new Metier_Infogreffe_DocAC();
$depots = $infogreffe->getList();
if ( count($depots)>0 ) {
$i = 0;
$listNumDepot = array();
foreach ( $depots as $depot ) {
$acte = new AvisRncsDepot();
$acte->DepotNum = $depot->DepotNum;
$acte->DepotDate = $depot->DepotDate;
$acte->ActeNum = $depot->ActeNum;
$acte->ActeDate = $depot->ActeDate;
$acte->ActeType = $depot->ActeType;
$acte->ActeTypeLabel = $depot->ActeTypeLabel;
$acte->infos = $depot->infos;
$result = $rncs->getListeDepots($siren, $depot->DepotDate);
if (count($result)>0) {
foreach ($result as $infos) {
$acte->infos[] = $infos['libDepot'];
//Acte constitutif - Statut
$date = substr($depot->ActeDate,0,4);
if ( in_array($depot->ActeType, array('04')) && intval($date)>1995 ) {
$output->ConstitutionActeDate = $depot->ActeDate;
$output->ConstitutionDepotDate = $depot->DepotDate;
if ($i < 4 || $i > count($depots)-4) {
$output->Depots[] = $acte;
//Liste des établissements actifs au RNCS
$output->Etablissements = array();
$result = $iInsee->getEtablissements($siren, '', 0, 200, 200, 0, 1);
if ( count($result['reponses'])>0 ) {
foreach ( $result['reponses'] as $item ) {
$output->Etablissements[] = $item['Adresse'] . ' ' . $item['Adresse2'] . ' - ' .
$item['CP'] . ' ' . strtoupper($item['Ville']);
$this->wsLog('avisrncs', $siren);
return $output;
* @param string $companyId
* Identifiant etablissement
* @param string $type (sd|siren, sd ou null par defaut)
* Type de l'identifiant :
* sd|null = Identifiant Scores & Decisions
* siren = SIRET de l'etablissement
* @throws SoapFault
* @return Rnvp
public function getRNVP($companyId, $type = null)
// --- Identifiant SD : source + id
if ($type === null) {
$source = substr($companyId,0,3);
$sourceId = substr($companyId,3,20);
// --- Siren
elseif (strtolower($type) == 'siren') {
if ( strlen($companyId) != 14 || intval($siren) == 0 ) {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', 'Identifiant incorrect.');
try {
$etabM = new Application_Model_JoEtablissements();
$sql = $etabM->select(true)->columns(array('LPAD(source,3,0) AS source', 'LPAD(source_id,20,0) AS sourceId'))
->where('siren=?', substr($companyId,0,9))
->where('nic=?', substr($companyId,9,5));
$etabResult = $etabM->fetchRow($sql);
if ($etabResult === null) {
throw new SoapFault('MSG', 'Etablissement inconnu.');
$source = $etabResult->source;
$sourceId = $etabResult->source_id;
} catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
if ($this->User->idClient == 1) {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage());
} else {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error");
// --- Erreur
else {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', 'type identifiant inconnu');
// --- Info RNVP
try {
$rnvp = new Metier_Rnvp_Adresse();
$infoRNVP = new Rnvp();
$infoRNVP = $rnvp->format();
} catch (Exception $e) {
if ($this->User->idClient == 1) {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage());
} else {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error");
$this->wsLog('rnvp', 0, $companyId);
if ($infoRNVP === null) {
throw new SoapFault('MSG', 'Aucun résultat.');
return $infoRNVP;
* Liste des privilèges
* @param string $companyId
* @throws SoapFault
* @return PrivilegeList
public function getPrivilegeList($companyId)
if ( strlen($companyId) != 9 ) {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', 'Identifiant incorrect.');
// --- Durée de vie
$privSecuLifetime = 900;
$privTresLifetime = 1460;
$privSql = "SELECT id, dateEven, greffe , numDebiteur, sirenage, typeEven, dateFraiche, codeRev,
debRaisonSociale, debSigle, debCiv, debNom, debPrenom, debConjoint, debUsage, debEnseigne,
debNumVoie, debTypVoie, debLibVoie, debAdrComp, debCP, debVille, debPays,
insType, insLib, insNum, insDate, insObjet, insMontant, insDev, insDateEch, insDateFin,
creNom, creNumVoi, creTypVoi, creLibVoi, creAdrComp1, creAdrComp2, creCP, creVille, crePays, creAutres,
radDate, radMention, radPartiel, radPartMt, radDev, radDiv, idFichier, DATE_FORMAT(dateInsert,'%Y-%m-%d') AS dateInsert
FROM jo.greffes_privileges
WHERE siren=$companyId AND (
(insType='03' AND DATEDIFF(NOW(),insDate) <= $privSecuLifetime) OR
(insType='04' AND DATEDIFF(NOW(),insDate) <= $privTresLifetime)
ORDER BY insDate DESC;";
try {
$db = Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::getDefaultAdapter();
$privResult = $db->fetchAll($privSql, null, Zend_Db::FETCH_OBJ);
} catch(Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
if ($this->User->idClient==1) {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage());
} else {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error");
$output = new PrivilegeList();
$output->NbTotal = 0;
$output->MtTotal = 0;
$output->Cumul = array();
$privileges = array();
$cumul = array();
if (count($privResult) > 0) {
foreach($privResult as $p) {
// --- Cumul des privileges par type (Nb, Montant)
$output->MtTotal+= $p->insMontant;
if ( array_key_exists($p->insType, $cumul) ) {
$cumul[$p->insType]['Mt'] = $cumul[$p->insType]['Mt'] + $p->insMontant;
} else {
$cumul[$p->insType]['Nb'] = 1;
$cumul[$p->insType]['Mt'] = $p->insMontant;
// --- Liste des privileges
$privilege = new Privilege();
$privilege->Id = $p->id;
$privilege->Type = $p->insType;
$privilege->TypeLabel = '';
switch ($p->insType) {
case '03':
$privilege->TypeLabel = 'Privilèges de la sécurité sociale et des régimes complémentaires';
case '04':
$privilege->TypeLabel = 'Privilèges du trésor public';
$privilege->Date = $p->insDate;
$privilege->Mt = $p->insMontant;
$privilege->CreancierNom = $p->creNom;
$privilege->CreancierAdresse1 = trim($p->creNumVoi);
$privilege->CreancierAdresse1.= ' '.trim($p->creTypVoi);
$privilege->CreancierAdresse1.= ' '.trim($p->creLibVoi);
$privilege->CreancierAdresse2 = $p->creAdrComp1;
$privilege->CreancierAdresse3 = $p->creAdrComp2;
$privilege->CreancierCP = $p->creCP;
$privilege->CreancierVille = $p->creVille;
$privilege->CreancierPays = $p->crePays;
$privilege->CreancierAutres = $p->creAutres;
$privileges[] = $privilege;
$output->List = $privileges;
if (count($cumul) > 0 ) {
foreach ($cumul as $k => $v) {
$c = new PrivilegeCumul();
$c->Type = $k;
$c->Nb = $v['Nb'];
$c->Mt = $v['Mt'];
$output->Cumul[] = $c;
// --- Log
$this->wsLog('privlist', $companyId);
return $output;
* Détail d'un privilège
* @param string $companyId
* @param int $id
* @throws SoapFault
* @return PrivilegeDetail
public function getPrivilegeDetail($companyId, $id)
if ( strlen($companyId) != 9 ) {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', 'Identifiant incorrect.');
$privSql = "SELECT id, dateEven, greffe , numDebiteur, sirenage, typeEven, dateFraiche, codeRev,
debRaisonSociale, debSigle, debCiv, debNom, debPrenom, debConjoint, debUsage, debEnseigne,
debNumVoie, debTypVoie, debLibVoie, debAdrComp, debCP, debVille, debPays,
insType, insLib, insNum, insDate, insObjet, insMontant, insDev, insDateEch, insDateFin,
creNom, creNumVoi, creTypVoi, creLibVoi, creAdrComp1, creAdrComp2, creCP, creVille, crePays, creAutres,
radDate, radMention, radPartiel, radPartMt, radDev, radDiv, idFichier, DATE_FORMAT(dateInsert,'%Y-%m-%d') AS dateInsert
FROM jo.greffes_privileges
WHERE siren=$companyId AND id=$id";
try {
$db = Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::getDefaultAdapter();
$p = $db->fetchRow($privSql, null, Zend_Db::FETCH_OBJ);
} catch(Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
if ($this->User->idClient==1) {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage());
} else {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error");
$iRncs = new Metier_Partenaires_MRncs();
$privilege = new PrivilegeDetail();
$privilege->Id = $p->id;
$privilege->Type = $p->insType;
$privilege->TypeLabel = '';
switch ($p->insType) {
case '03':
$privilege->TypeLabel = 'Privilèges de la sécurité sociale et des régimes complémentaires';
case '04':
$privilege->TypeLabel = 'Privilèges du trésor public';
$privilege->Num = $p->insNum;
$privilege->Objet = $p->insObjet;
$privilege->Date = $p->insDate;
$privilege->DateFresh = $p->dateFraiche;
$privilege->DateInsert = $p->dateInsert;
$privilege->DateEcheance = $p->insDateEch;
$privilege->DateFin = $p->insDateFin;
$privilege->Mt = $p->insMontant;
$privilege->Devise = $p->insDev;
$privilege->DebiteurNum = $p->numDebiteur;
$privilege->Greffe = $p->greffe;
$privilege->GreffeLabel = $iRncs->getLibTribunal($p->greffe);
$privilege->RadiationDate = $p->radDate;
$privilege->RadiationMention = $p->radMention;
$privilege->RadiationPartiel = $p->radPartiel;
$privilege->RadiationMt = $p->radPartMt;
$privilege->RadiationDevise = $p->radDev;
$privilege->CreancierNom = $p->creNom;
$privilege->CreancierAdresse1 = trim($p->creNumVoi);
$privilege->CreancierAdresse1.= ' '.trim($p->creTypVoi);
$privilege->CreancierAdresse1.= ' '.trim($p->creLibVoi);
$privilege->CreancierAdresse2 = $p->creAdrComp1;
$privilege->CreancierAdresse3 = $p->creAdrComp2;
$privilege->CreancierCP = $p->creCP;
$privilege->CreancierVille = $p->creVille;
$privilege->CreancierPays = $p->crePays;
$privilege->CreancierAutres = $p->creAutres;
// --- Log
$this->wsLog('privdetail', $companyId, $id);
return $privilege;
protected function getPrivilegeHisto($companyId)
if ( strlen($companyId) != 9 ) {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', 'Identifiant incorrect.');
// Liste de tous les privileges actif et inactif
// --- Log
$this->wsLog('privhisto', $companyId);
* Liste des contentieux
* @param string $companyId
* Siren de l'entité
* @param string $tiers
* Type du tier DE=Demandeur, DF=Defendeur
* @param int $p
* offset
* @param int $limit
* Nombre d'éléments par page
* @throws SoapFault
* @return GreffeAffaireList
public function getGreffeAffaireList($companyId, $tiers = 'DE', $p = 0, $limit = 20)
if ( strlen($companyId) != 9 ) {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', 'Identifiant incorrect.');
if (!in_array($tiers, array('DE', 'DF'))) {
$tiers = 'DE';
$db = Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::getDefaultAdapter();
// --- Recherche de tiers (type DE ou DF) apparaissant dans les affaires
$tierSql = "SELECT count(idAffaire) AS Nb FROM jo.greffes_affaires_siren " .
"WHERE entSiren=".$companyId." AND qualite='".$tiers."'";
try {
$tierResult = $db->fetchRow($tierSql, null, Zend_DB::FETCH_OBJ);
} catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
if ($this->User->idClient==1) {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage());
} else {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error");
$totalNb = 0;
if ($tierResult !== null) {
$totalNb = $tierResult->Nb;
$output = new GreffeAffaireList();
$output->Nb = $totalNb;
if (count($totalNb) > 0) {
// --- Selection des affaires
$tierSubQuery = "SELECT idAffaire FROM jo.greffes_affaires_siren " .
"WHERE entSiren=".$companyId." AND qualite='".$tiers."' GROUP BY idAffaire";
$affaireSql = "SELECT id, idAffaire, numGreffe, natureDemande, codNatureDemande, etatAffaire, dateEnrolement FROM jo.greffes_affaires ".
"WHERE idAffaire IN (".$tierSubQuery.") ORDER BY dateEnrolement DESC LIMIT $p,$limit";
try {
$affaireResult = $db->fetchAll($affaireSql, null, Zend_DB::FETCH_OBJ);
} catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
if ($this->User->idClient==1) {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage());
} else {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error");
$status = include APPLICATION_PATH . '/../library/Metier/Ctx/AffaireStatus.php';
$categories = include APPLICATION_PATH . '/../library/Metier/Table/AffairesTypes.php';
$affaireList = array();
if (count($affaireResult) > 0) {
foreach ($affaireResult as $a) {
// --- Formattage
$item = new GreffeAffaire();
$item->Id = $a->id;
$item->StatusCode = $a->etatAffaire;
$item->StatusLabel = $a->etatAffaire;
if (array_key_exists($a->etatAffaire, $status)) {
$item->StatusLabel = $status[$a->etatAffaire];
$item->CategoryCode = $a->codNatureDemande;
$item->CategoryLabel = $a->codNatureDemande;
if (array_key_exists($a->codNatureDemande, $categories)) {
$item->CategoryLabel = $categories[$a->codNatureDemande];
$item->Label = $a->natureDemande;
$item->Date = $a->dateEnrolement;
// --- Récupération des tiers
if ($tiers == 'DE') {
$tiersQualite = 'DF';
} elseif ($tiers == 'DF') {
$tiersQualite = 'DE';
$tierSql = "SELECT nomPartie FROM jo.greffes_affaires_siren WHERE idAffaire='".$a->idAffaire."' AND qualite='".$tiersQualite."'";
try {
$tierResult = $db->fetchAll($tierSql, null, Zend_DB::FETCH_OBJ);
} catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
if ($this->User->idClient==1) {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', $tierSql . " - " . $e->getMessage());
} else {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error");
if (count($tierResult) > 0) {
foreach ($tierResult as $t) {
$item->TierName[] = $t->nomPartie;
$affaireList[] = $item;
$output->List = $affaireList;
$this->wsLog('affairelist', $companyId);
return $output;
* Detail d'un contentieux
* @param int $id
* @throws SoapFault
* @return GreffeAffaireDetail
public function getGreffeAffaireDetail($id)
$db = Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::getDefaultAdapter();
$affaireSql = "SELECT id, idAffaire, numGreffe, natureDemande, codNatureDemande, etatAffaire, dateEnrolement FROM jo.greffes_affaires ".
"WHERE id=".$id;
try {
$affaireResult = $db->fetchRow($affaireSql, null, Zend_DB::FETCH_OBJ);
} catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
if ($this->User->idClient == 1) {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage());
} else {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error");
// --- Aucun resultat
if ($affaireResult === null) {
throw new SoapFault('MSG', "Aucun résultat");
// --- Selection des Entités
$tiers = array();
$entiteSql = "SELECT * FROM jo.greffes_affaires_siren WHERE idAffaire='".$affaireResult->idAffaire."' ORDER BY FIELD(qualite, 'DE', 'DF')";
try {
$entiteResult = $db->fetchAll($entiteSql, null, Zend_DB::FETCH_OBJ);
if (count($entiteResult) > 0) {
foreach ($entiteResult as $item) {
$entite = new GreffeAffaireTiers();
$entite->companyId = $item->entSiren;
$entite->companyNom = $item->nomPartie;
$entite->TypeCode = $item->qualite;
switch($item->qualite) {
case 'DE':
$entite->TypeLabel = 'Demandeur';
case 'DF':
$entite->TypeLabel = 'Defendeur';
$acteurMax = 3;
for($i = 0; $i < $acteurMax; $i++) {
if (!empty($item->{'rep'.$i.'nom'})) {
$acteur = new GreffeAffaireActeur();
$acteur->Nom = $item->{'rep'.$i.'nom'};
$acteur->Type = "";
$entite->Acteur[] = $acteur;
$tiers[] = $entite;
} catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
if ($this->User->idClient == 1) {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage());
} else {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error");
// --- Selection de l'historique
$histo = array();
$histoSql = "SELECT * FROM jo.greffes_affaires_histo WHERE idAffaire='".$affaireResult->idAffaire."' ORDER BY dateDecision DESC";
try {
$histoResult = $db->fetchAll($histoSql, null, Zend_DB::FETCH_OBJ);
if (count($histoResult) > 0) {
foreach ($histoResult as $h){
$decision = new GreffeAffaireHisto();
$decision->Label = $h->libelleDecision;
$decision->Date = $h->dateDecision;
$decision->Desc = $h->commentaireDecision;
$histo[] = $decision;
} catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) {}
// --- Formattage
$status = include APPLICATION_PATH . '/../library/Metier/Ctx/AffaireStatus.php';
$categories = include APPLICATION_PATH . '/../library/Metier/Table/AffairesTypes.php';
$output = new GreffeAffaireDetail();
$output->Id = $affaireResult->id;
$output->StatusCode = $affaireResult->etatAffaire;
$output->StatusLabel = $affaireResult->etatAffaire;
if (array_key_exists($affaireResult->etatAffaire, $status)) {
$output->StatusLabel = $status[$affaireResult->etatAffaire];
$output->CategoryCode = $affaireResult->codNatureDemande;
$output->CategoryLabel = $affaireResult->codNatureDemande;
if (array_key_exists($affaireResult->codNatureDemande, $categories)) {
$output->CategoryLabel = $categories[$affaireResult->codNatureDemande];
$output->Label = $affaireResult->natureDemande;
$output->Date = $affaireResult->dateEnrolement;
$output->GreffeNum = $affaireResult->numGreffe;
$rncs = new Metier_Partenaires_MRncs();
$output->GreffeLabel = $rncs->getLibTribunal($affaireResult->numGreffe);
$output->Tiers = $tiers;
$output->Histo = $histo;
$this->wsLog('affairedetail', $companyId);
return $output;
* Formatte les informations de calculIndiscore
* @param array $infos
* @return stdClass
protected function formatIndiscore($infos)
$output = new stdClass();
foreach($infos as $key => $value){
if ($key=='paiements'){
$parMont = $value['parMont'];
$parTrim = $value['parTrim'];
$tabMont = array();
foreach($parMont as $parMontK => $parMontV){
$paiementMont = new IndiscorePaiementDetail();
$paiementMont->id = $parMontK;
$paiementMont->nb = $parMontV['nb'];
if (array_key_exists('d=180', $parMontV)){
$paiementMont->d180 = $parMontV['d=180'];
if (array_key_exists('d=150', $parMontV)){
$paiementMont->d150 = $parMontV['d=150'];
if (array_key_exists('d=120', $parMontV)){
$paiementMont->d120 = $parMontV['d=120'];
if (array_key_exists('d=90', $parMontV)){
$paiementMont->d90 = $parMontV['d=90'];
if (array_key_exists('d=60', $parMontV)){
$paiementMont->d60 = $parMontV['d=60'];
if (array_key_exists('d=30', $parMontV)){
$paiementMont->d30 = $parMontV['d=30'];
$tabMont[] = $paiementMont;
$tabTrim = array();
foreach($parTrim as $parTrimK => $parTrimV){
$paiementTrim = new IndiscorePaiementDetail();
$paiementTrim->id = $parTrimK;
$paiementTrim->nb = $parTrimV['nb'];
if (array_key_exists('d=180', $parTrimV)){
$paiementTrim->d180 = $parTrimV['d=180'];
if (array_key_exists('d=150', $parTrimV)){
$paiementTrim->d150 = $parTrimV['d=150'];
if (array_key_exists('d=120', $parTrimV)){
$paiementTrim->d120 = $parTrimV['d=120'];
if (array_key_exists('d=90', $parTrimV)){
$paiementTrim->d90 = $parTrimV['d=90'];
if (array_key_exists('d=60', $parTrimV)){
$paiementTrim->d60 = $parTrimV['d=60'];
if (array_key_exists('d=30', $parTrimV)){
$paiementTrim->d30 = $parTrimV['d=30'];
$tabTrim[] = $paiementTrim;
$paiement = new IndiscorePaiement();
$paiement->parMont = $tabMont;
$paiement->parTrim = $tabTrim;
$output->paiements = $paiement;
} elseif ($key=='Notes_Structure') {
$notesStructure = new IndiscoreNotesStructure();
$notesStructure->activite = $value['activite'];
$notesStructure->naf4 = $value['naf4'];
$notesStructure->age = $value['age'];
$notesStructure->capital = $value['capital'];
$notesStructure->effectif = $value['effectif'];
$notesStructure->fj = $value['fj'];
$notesStructure->localite = $value['localite'];
$notesStructure->singulier = $value['singulier'];
$output->Notes_Structure = $notesStructure;
} elseif ($key=='tabBilans') {
$tabRet = array();
foreach($value as $bilan)
$element = new ListeBilans();
$element->dateProvPartenaire = $bilan['dateProvPartenaire']; //@todo : date
$element->dateInsert = $bilan['dateInsert']; //@todo : date
$element->typeBilan = $bilan['typeBilan'];
$element->dureeExercice = $bilan['dureeExercice'];
$element->dateExercice = $bilan['dateExercice']; //@todo : date
$element->millesime = $bilan['millesime'];
$element->dateExercicePre = $bilan['dateExercicePre']; //@todo : date
$element->dureeExercicePre = $bilan['dureeExercicePre'];
$element->monnaie = $bilan['monnaie'];
$element->source = $bilan['source'];
$tabRet[] = $element;
$output->tabBilans = $tabRet;
} elseif ($key=='tabBilan') {
$tabRet = array();
foreach($value as $bilan){
$resultBilan = new Bilan();
$tabPoste = array();
foreach($bilan as $bilan_key => $bilan_value){
if(!in_array($bilan_key, array('SIREN', 'DATE_FRAICHE_BILAN',
'MONNAIE_LIV_UNITE', 'SOURCE', 'devise'))){
$resultPoste = new BilanPoste();
$resultPoste->id = $bilan_key;
$resultPoste->val = $bilan_value;
$tabPoste[] = $resultPoste;
} else {
$resultBilan->$bilan_key = $bilan_value;
$resultBilan->POSTES = $tabPoste;
$tabRet[] = $resultBilan;
$output->tabBilan = $tabRet;
} elseif ($key=='tabInfosNotations') {
$infosNotation = new IndiscoreInfosNotations();
$infosNotation->SituationFinanciere = $value['SituationFinanciere'];
$infosNotation->Notation = $value['Notation'];
$infosNotation->ProbabiliteDefaut = $value['ProbabiliteDefaut'];
$output->tabInfosNotations = $infosNotation;
} elseif ($key=='tabImportExport') {
$tabRet = array();
foreach($value as $element){
$importExport = new IndiscoreImportExport();
$importExport->importExport = $element['importExport'];
$importExport->annee = $element['annee'];
$importExport->rangNational = $element['rangNational'];
$importExport->deptSiege = $element['deptSiege'];
$tabRet[] = $importExport;
$output->tabImportExport = $tabRet;
} elseif ($key=='tabCommentaires') {
$tab = array();
if (count($value)>0) {
foreach($value as $comment) {
$tab[] = Scores_Locale_String::fixEncoding($comment);
$output->tabCommentaires = $tab;
} elseif ($key=='tabVariables') {
$tab = $value['CA_Y'];
$tabVar = array();
if (count($tab)>0) {
foreach($tab as $varName => $varVal){
$var = new CA_Y();
$var->id = $varName;
$var->val = $varVal;
$tabVar[] = $var;
$variables = new IndiscoreVariables();
$variables->CA_Y = $tabVar;
$output->tabVariables = $variables;
} elseif ($key=='Bilans') {
$tab = array();
foreach($value as $item)
$objet = new IndiscoreBilans();
$objet->Millesime = $item['Millesime'];
$objet->FraisPerso = $item['FraisPerso'];
$objet->CA = $item['CA'];
$objet->EBE = $item['EBE'];
$objet->TxInvest = $item['TxInvest'];
$objet->TxEndett = $item['TxEndett'];
$objet->DettesCT = $item['DettesCT'];
$objet->FraisFi = $item['FraisFi'];
$objet->BFR = $item['BFR'];
$objet->FR = $item['FR'];
$objet->FondsPr = $item['FondsPr'];
$objet->DelaiCli = $item['DelaiCli'];
$objet->DelaiFour = $item['DelaiFour'];
$tab[] = $objet;
$output->$key = $tab;
} else {
$output->$key = $value;
return $output;
* Evaluation IndiScore
* @param string $companyId
* Siren de l'entreprise
* @return stdClass
protected function getIndiScore($companyId)
Evaluation indiscore d'une entreprise
Ne pas renvoyer les commentaires tabCommentaires
$siren = substr($companyId, 0, 9);
if (intval($siren) < 100 ) {
$scoring = new Metier_Scoring_Base();
$indiscoreStruct = $scoring->calculIndiScore($siren);
$output = new Indiscore();
$output = $this->formatIndiscore($indiscoreStruct);
return $output;
protected function getReportSynthese($companyId)
$siren = substr($companyId, 0, 9);
if (intval($siren) < 100 ) {
$reportStruct = new ReportSynthese();
$identiteStruct = $this->getIdentite($siren);
$scoring = new Metier_Scoring_Base();
$indiscoreStruct = $scoring->calculIndiScore($siren);
//$ratiosStruct = $this->getRatios($siren);
protected function getReportComment($companyId)
$reportStruct = new Report();
$scoring = new Metier_Scoring_Base();
$indiscoreStruct = $scoring->calculIndiScore($siren);
Commentaires suivant niveau
$identite = $ws->getIdentite($siren);
$indiscore = $ws->getIndiScore($siren);
$infos = $ws->getRatios($siren, 'indiscore2');
ou -
$result->Identite = $this->getIdentite($siren, $id=0);
$result->Indiscore = $this->getIndiScore($siren, 0, $nivComment, $plus, $ref, $encours, $email);
$result->Ratios = $this->getRatios($siren, $page="rapport$niveau");
$result->Dirigeants = $this->getDirigeants($siren, false);
$result->Liens = $this->getLiens($siren, true);
$result->Identite = $this->getIdentite($siren, $id=0);
$result->Indiscore = $this->getIndiScore($siren, 0, $nivComment, $plus, $ref, $encours, $email);
$result->Ratios = $this->getRatios($siren, $page="rapport$niveau");
$result->Dirigeants = $this->getDirigeants($siren, false);
$result->Liens = $this->getLiens($siren, true);
$result->Annonces = $this->getAnnonces($siren, $filtre, $idAnn);
return $reportStruct;
protected function getValo(){}
* Cadastre et propriétés (beta)
* @param string $companyId
* @param int $p
* @param int $limit
* @throws SoapFault
* @return Patrimoine[]
public function getCadastrePatrimoine($companyId, $p = 0, $limit = 100)
if ( strlen($companyId) != 9 ) {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', 'Identifiant incorrect.');
$db = Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::getDefaultAdapter();
$cadastre = new Metier_Partenaires_MCadastre();
$patrimoine = array();
$results = $cadastre->patrimoine();
if (count($results) > 0) {
foreach ($results as $r) {
$part = new Patrimoine();
$part->Type = $r['type'];
$part->Role = $r['role'];
$part->RoleLib = $r['roleLib'];
$part->AdresseNum = $r['adresseNum'];
$part->AdresseInd = $r['adresseInd'];
$part->AdresseType = $r['adresseType'];
$part->AdresseLib = $r['adresseLib'];
$part->Departement = $r['departement'];
$part->CommuneCode = $r['communeCode'];
$part->CommuneLib = $r['communeLib'];
$part->Section = $r['section'];
$part->PlanNum = $r['planNum'];
$part->Fantoir = $r['fantoir'];
$part->Batiment = $r['batiment'];
$part->Ent = $r['ent'];
$part->Niveau = $r['niveau'];
$part->SurfaceTotal = intval($r['surfaceTotal']);
$surfaceDetail = array();
for($j = 0; $j < 10; $j++) {
if ($r['nature'.$j] != '' && $r['surface'.$j] > 0) {
$surface = new PatrimoineSurface();
$surface->Code = $r['nature'.$j];
if ($r['type'] == 'local') {
$surface->Label = $cadastre->getNatureLabel($r['nature'.$j], 'local');
} elseif ($r['type'] == 'parcelle') {
$surface->Label = $cadastre->getNatureLabel($r['nature'.$j], 'parcelle');
$surface->Surface = intval($r['surface'.$j]);
$surfaceDetail[] = $surface;
$part->SurfaceDetail = $surfaceDetail;
$patrimoine[] = $part;
$this->wsLog('cadastre', $companyId);
return $patrimoine;